2024 & In Press

Ahl, R.E., Amir, D. & McAuliffe, K. (2024). Recalling experiences of scarcity reduces children’s generosity relative to recalling abundance. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 243, 105914.

Arnold, S. H., McAuliffe, K., & Cimpian, A. (in press). Unraveling the gender gap in negotiation: How children’s perceptions of negotiation and of themselves relate to their bargaining outcomes. Developmental Psychology.

Deutchman, P., Kraft-Todd, G., Young, L., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). People update their injunctive norm and moral beliefs after receiving descriptive norm information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Gautam, S., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). Why imagining what could have happened matters for children's social cognition. WIREs Cognitive Science, 15(1), Article e1663.

Gollwitzer, A., Marshall, J., Lee, Y. E., Deutchman, P., Warneken, F., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). Parent and community partisanship predicts children’s health behaviors. European Journal of Social Psychology.

González, G. T., Mandalaywala, T. M., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). The power of prompts: Encouraging children to think about fairness promotes the costly rejection of unfairness. Developmental Psychology.

Loustau, T., Glassman, J., Martin, J. W., Young, L., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). The impact of group membership on punishment versus partner rejection. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 22238.

Marshall, J. & McAuliffe, K. (Accepted). How retributive motives shape the emergence of third-party punishment across intergroup contexts. Child Development.

McAuliffe, K. (2024). Sampling decisions in developmental psychology. Nature Reviews Psychology, 3(5), 297-298.

McAuliffe, K., Marshall, J., & McLaughlin, A. (2024). Beyond punishment: psychological foundations of restorative interventions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

McLaughlin, A., Marshall, J., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). Developing conceptions of forgiveness across the lifespan. Child Development.

Prétôt, L., Taylor, Q., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). Children cooperate more with in-group members than with out-group members in an iterated face-to-face Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 241, 105858.


Ahl, R.E. & McAuliffe, K. (2023). Children hold an intuitive economic theory of diminishing marginal utility. Cognition, 234, 105367.

Ahl, R. E., Hannan, K., Amir, D., Baker, A., Sheskin, M., & McAuliffe, K. (2023). Tokens of virtue: Replicating incentivized measures of children’s prosocial behavior with online methods and virtual resources. Cognitive Development, 66, 101313.

Amir, D., Melnikoff, D., Warneken, F., Blake, P. R., Corbit, J., Callaghan, T. C., ... & McAuliffe, K. (2023). Computational signatures of inequity aversion in children across seven societies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Corbit, J., McAuliffe, K., Blake, P. R., & Warneken, F. (2023). The influence of friendship on children's fairness concerns in three societies. Evolution and Human Behavior, 44(5), 466-473.

Deutchman, P., Marshall, J., Lee, Y. E., Warneken, F., & McAuliffe, K. (2023). Descriptive Norms Influence Children's Injunctive and Moral Norm Beliefs. Available at SSRN 4348267.

Deutchman, P., Aellen, M., Bogese, M., Bshary, R., Drayton, L., Gil, D., Martin, J., Prétôt, L., Raihani, N., Santos, L., McAuliffe, K. (2023). Punishment is sensitive to outside options in humans but not cleaner fish (Labroides dimidiatus): implications for the social cognition of punishment. Animal Behaviour, 205, 15-33.

House, B., Silk, J. B., & McAuliffe, K. (2023). No strong evidence for universal gender differences in the development of cooperative behaviour across societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1868), 20210439.

Marshall, J., Lee, Y. E., Deutchman, P., Wang, Z., Horsey, C. D., Warneken, F., & McAuliffe, K. (2023). When not helping is nice: Children’s changing evaluations of helping during COVID-19. Developmental Psychology.

McAuliffe, K., Coogan, S., & Dunham, Y. (2023). Children expect gender pay parity despite own-gender favoritism. Collabra.


Deutchman, P., Amir, D., Jordan, M. R., & McAuliffe, K. (2022). Common knowledge promotes cooperation in the threshold public goods game by reducing uncertainty. Evolution and Human Behavior, 43(2), 155-167.

Deutchman, P., & McAuliffe, K. (2022). Children use common knowledge to solve coordination problems. Developmental Psychology.

Gerdemann, S. C., McAuliffe, K., Blake, P. R., Haun, D. B., & Hepach, R. (2022). The ontogeny of children's social emotions in response to (un) fairness. Royal Society Open Science, 9(8), 191456.

Gollwitzer, A., Marshall, J., Lee, Y. E., Deutchman, P., Warneken, F., & McAuliffe, K. (2022). Parent and community political partisanship predict children’s preventative COVID-19 responding.

Gonzalez, G., Ahl, R. E., Cordes, S., & McAuliffe, K. (2022). Children strategically conceal selfishness. Child Development, 93(1), e71-e86.

Lee, Y. E., Marshall, J., Deutchman, P., McAuliffe, K., & Warneken, F. (2022). Children’s judgments of interventions against norm violations: COVID-19 as a naturalistic case study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 221, 105452.

Li, Y., Li, P., Chai, Q., McAuliffe, K., Blake, P. R., Warneken, F., & He, J. (2022). The development of inequity aversion in Chinese children. Cognitive Development, 61, 101151.

Marshall, J., & McAuliffe, K. (2022). Children as assessors and agents of third-party punishment. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1(6), 334-344.

Martin, J. W., Leddy, K., Young, L., & McAuliffe, K. (2022). An earlier role for intent in children’s partner choice versus punishment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(3), 597.

McAuliffe, K., Benjamin, N., & Warneken, F. (2022). Reward type influences adults’ rejections of inequality in a task designed for children. Plos one, 17(8), e0272710.


Amir, D., Ahl, R.E., Parsons, W.S. & McAuliffe, K. (2021). Children are more forgiving of accidental harms across development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 205, 105081.

Amir, D., Parsons, W. S., Ahl, R. E., & McAuliffe, K. (2021). Trustworthiness is distinct from generosity in children. Developmental Psychology, 57(8), 1318.

Arnold, S. & McAuliffe, K. (2021). Children show a gender gap in negotiation. Psychological Science, 32(2), 153-158.

Corbit, J., Lamarito, K. & McAuliffe, K. (2021). Children in the US and Peru pay to correct gender-based inequality. Child Development, 92(4), 1291-1308.

Deutchman, P., Bračič, M., Raihani, N., & McAuliffe, K. (2020). Punishment is strongly motivated by revenge and weakly motivated by inequity aversion. Evolution and Human Behavior.

Kumar, M., Tsoi, L., Lee, S., Cone, J. & McAuliffe, K. (2021). Nationality dominates gender in decision-making in the Dictator and Prisoner’s Dilemma Games. PloS one, 16(1), e0244568.

Martin, J. W., Martin, S., & McAuliffe, K. (2021). Third-party punishment promotes fairness in children. Developmental Psychology, 57(6), 927.

McAuliffe, K. (2021). A comparative test of inequity aversion in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and dingoes (Canis dingo). PloS one, 16(9), e0255885.

McAuliffe, K. & Dunham, Y. (2021). Children favor punishment over restoration. Developmental Science, 24(5), e13093.

McAuliffe, K., Drayton, L. A., Royka, A., Aellen, M., Santos, L. R., & Bshary, R. (2021). Cleaner fish are sensitive to what their partners can and cannot see. Communications Biology, 4(1), 1127.


Amir, D., Jordan, M. R., McAuliffe, K., Valeggia, C. R., Sugiyama, L. S., Bribiescas, R. G., ... & Dunham, Y. (2020). The developmental origins of risk and time preferences across diverse societies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(4), 650.

Amir D., & McAuliffe K. (2020). Cross-cultural developmental psychology: Integrating approaches and key insights. Evolution and Human Behavior.

Gonzalez, G., Blake, P. R., Dunham, Y., & McAuliffe, K. (2020). Ingroup bias does not influence inequity aversion in children. Developmental psychology, 56(6), 1080.

McAuliffe, K., Blake, P., & Warneken, F. (2020). Costly fairness in children is influenced by who’s watching. Developmental Psychology.

Prétôt, L., Gonzalez, G. & McAuliffe, K. (2020). Children avoid inefficient but fair partners in a cooperative game. Scientific Reports, 10, 10511.

Prétôt, L., & McAuliffe, K. (2020). Does nonbinding commitment promote children’s cooperation in a social dilemma? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 200.

Tsoi, L., & McAuliffe, K. (2020). Individual differences in theory of mind predict inequity aversion in children. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(4), 559-571.


Amir, D.^, Jordan, M.R., McAuliffe, K., Valeggia, C.R., Sugiyama, L.S., Bribiescas, R.G., Dunham, Y. (2019). Cross-cultural variation in children’s risk and time preferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

McAuliffe, K., Bogese, M., Chang, L.W., Andrews, C.E., Mayer, T., Faranda, A., Hamlin, K. & Santos, L. (2019). Do dogs prefer helpers in an infant-based social evaluation task? Frontiers in Psychology.

Kajanus, A., McAuliffe, K., Warneken, F., & Blake, P. R. (2019). Children’s fairness in two Chinese schools: A combined ethnographic and experimental study. Journal of experimental child psychology, 177, 282-296.

McAuliffe, K., Warneken, F. & Blake, P. (2019). Children’s sense of fairness: Respect isn’t everything. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23(9), 715-716.


McAuliffe, K., & Santos, L. R. (2018). Do animals have a sense of fairness. Atlas of moral psychology, 393.


Corbit, J., McAuliffe, K., Callaghan, T.C., Blake, P.R., & Warneken, F. (2017). Children’s collaboration induces fairness rather than generosity. Cognition, 168, 344- 356.

McAuliffe, K., Blake, P.R., Steinbeis, N., & Warneken, F. (2017). The developmental foundations of human fairness. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 0042.

McAuliffe, K., & Dunham, Y. (2017) Fairness overrides group bias in children’s second-party punishment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146, 485-494.

McAuliffe, K., Raihani, N.J., & Dunham, Y. (2017). Children are sensitive to norms of giving. Cognition, 167, 151-159.


Bone, J.E., McAuliffe, K., & Raihani, N.J. (2016). Exploring the motivations for punishment: framing and country-level effects. PLoS ONE, 11(8), e0159769.

Jordan, J., McAuliffe, K., & Rand, D. (2016). The effects of endowment size and strategy method on third party punishment. Experimental Economics, 19(4), 741-763.

McAuliffe, K., & Dunham, Y. (2016). Group bias in cooperative norm enforcement. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 371, 20150073.

Thornton, A., McAuliffe, K., Dall, S.R.X., Fernandez-Duque, E., Garber, P.A., & Young, A.J. (2016). Fundamental problems with the Cooperative Breeding Hypothesis: A reply to Burkart & Van Schaik. Journal of Zoology, 299, 84-88.  


Blake, P*., McAuliffe, K*., Callaghan, T., Corbit, J. Bowie, A., Kramer, K., & Warneken, F. (2015). The ontogeny of fairness in seven culturesNature. *Indicates joint first authorship. 

Johnston, A.M., McAuliffe, K., & Santos, L. (2015). Another way to learn about teaching: what dogs can tell us about the evolution of pedagogyBehavioural and Brain Sciences, 38, e44.

McAuliffe, K., Chang, L., Spaulding, R., Leimgruber, K., Blake, P.R., & Santos, L. (2015). Capuchin monkeys show no evidence for inequity aversion in a costly choice task. Animal Behaviour, 103, 65-74.

McAuliffe, K., & Dunham, Y. (2015). Group bias in cooperative norm enforcementPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

McAuliffe, K., Glowaki, L., Wrangham, R.W., & Russell, A. (2015). When cooperation begets cooperation: roles of shifting cost-benefit functions and key individualsPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

McAuliffe, K., Jordan, J., & Warneken, F. (2015). Costly third-party punishment in young childrenCognition, 134, 1-10.

McAuliffe, K., & Thornton, A. (2015). The psychology of cooperation in animals: an ecological approachJournal of Zoology, 295, 23-35.

Thornton, A., & McAuliffe, K. (2015). Cognitive Consequences of Cooperative Breeding? A Critical AppraisalJournal of Zoology, 295, 12-22.


Blake, P.R., McAuliffe, K., & Warneken, F. (2014). The developmental origins of fairness: the knowledge-behavior gapTrends in Cognitive Sciences, 18, 559-561.

Jordan, J., McAuliffe, K., & Warneken, F. (2014). The development of in-group favoritism in children’s third-party punishment of selfishnessProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(35), 12710-12715.

McAuliffe, K., Blake, P.R., & Warneken, F. (2014). Children reject inequity out of spiteBiology Letters, 10: 20140743.

McAuliffe, K., Shelton, N., & Stone, L. (2014). Does effort influence inequity aversion in cotton top tamarins? Animal Cognition, 7, 1289-1301.

Raihani, N.J., & McAuliffe, K. (2014). Dictator Game giving: the importance of descriptive versus injunctive normsPLoS ONE, 9(12): e113826.


McAuliffe, K., Blake, P.R., Kim, G., Wrangham, R.W., & Warneken, F. (2013). Social influences on inequity aversion in childrenPLoS ONE, 8(12), e80966. 

Skerry, A.E., Lambert, E., Powell, L.J., & McAuliffe, K. (2013). The origins of pedagogy: developmental and evolutionary perspectivesEvolutionary Psychology, 11, 550-572.

McAuliffe, K., & Thornton, A. (2012). How do banded mongooses locate and select anvils for cracking encased food items? Behavioural Processes, 90, 350-356. 

Raihani, N.J., & McAuliffe, K. (2012). Does inequity aversion motivate punishment? Cleaner fish as a model systemJournal of Social Justice Research, 25, 213-231. 

Raihani, N.J., & McAuliffe, K. (2012). Human punishment is motivated by inequity aversion, not a desire for reciprocityBiology Letters, 8, 802-804. 

Raihani, N.J., McAuliffe, K., Brosnan, S.F., & Bshary, R. (2012). Are cleaner fish (Labroides dimidiatus) inequity averse? Animal Behaviour, 84, 665-674. 

Thornton, A., & McAuliffe, K. (2012). Teaching can teach us a lotAnimal Behaviour, 83, e6-e9.



Blake, P.R., & McAuliffe, K. (2011). “I had so much it didn't seem fair": Eight-year-olds reject two forms of inequityCognition, 120, 215-224.

Clutton-Brock, T.H., & McAuliffe, K. (2009). Female mate choice in mammalsQuarterly Review of Biology, 84, 3-27. 

Hauser, M.D., McAuliffe, K., & Blake, P. (2009). Evolving the ingredients for reciprocity and spitePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 364, 3255–3266. 

McAuliffe, K., & Hauser, M. D. (2010). The Evolutionary Foundations of Morality. In The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, eds. M. Breed and J. Moore.

McAuliffe, K., & Whitehead, H. (2005). Eusociality, menopause and information in matrilineal whalesTrends in Ecology and Evolution, 20, 650. 

Thornton, A., & McAuliffe, K. (2006). Teaching in wild meerkatsScience, 313, 227-229.
